The left and their media allies are continuing to lose their minds over Joe Biden basically “own-goaling” the Democrat Party and giving President-Elect Donald Trump fresh material with Biden’s 11th-hour decision to issue a “full and unconditional pardon” of his son, convicted felon Hunter Biden.
As we’ve reported, Democrats are in full disarray, with some either shamelessly trying to justify or self-servingly trying to distance themselves from the lame-duck president’s actions, a move that confirmed he lied when he told the American people he would respect the rule of law and not interfere in his son’s cases.
Others on the left and in the press, as we’ve also noted, have taken the “if Trump and Republicans never have to take the high road, why should we” argument to hilarious levels.
As it turns out, it was the latter argument that prompted things to turn chippy during a “View” segment Wednesday when co-host Whoopi Goldberg, fresh over applauding Biden the day before, took issue with left-wing radio host/icon Charlamagne Tha God referring to Biden lying about not pardoning his son as a lie:
GOLDBERG: Only because you don’t know that it was a lie. We don’t know why he changed his mind.
CHARLAMAGNE: You really think he just changed his mind over Thanksgiving weekend all of a sudden?
GOLDBERG: No. I’m going to tell you what I think. I think he changed his mind because he got sick of watching everybody else get over.
And he — this is just my feeling, because at some point you get to the place where you just go, ‘So, I’m just going to follow the straight and narrow always, because that’s what’s expected of Democrats?’
CHARLAMAGNE: But that’s their fault. They’re the ones that go out there and they stand on this moral high ground. They don’t have to do that.
GOLDBERG: I’m a Democrat. Tell me what the moral high ground is.
CHARLAMAGNE: The moral high ground is ‘nobody is above the law,’ ‘I respect what the jurors are saying.’ He didn’t have to do that. […]
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