I’ve recently become aware of at least one “gatekeeper of the news” who’s becoming increasingly concerned that groups like Brownstone Institute have gone overboard advancing “conspiracy theories.”
I definitely disagree with the opinion that Brownstone’s writers are becoming “conspiracy theorists,” a common pejorative used to dismiss the views of those skeptical of “authorized narratives.”
Now, more strongly than ever, I believe “conspiracies” exist and, indeed, it’s proper and imperative for writers to point out where they do exist.
Quick aside: This essay was motivated by a news curator, a person I consider a friend, who chose to not run my recent essay “Why the placebo nation of Sweden didn’t matter.” The editor mentioned his concerns that Brownstone “has gone off the deep end with all of its conspiracy theories.”
It doesn’t hurt my feelings when an editor chooses to not publish a piece I’ve submitted, especially editors who have run many of my articles and someone who, on many issues, shares my views. Editors can publish (or not publish) pieces for whatever reasons they think are important to their organizations.
With this piece, I’m not trying to anger a friend who has gone against the “pack” by publishing many contrarian essays and articles. However, the fact that this editor chose not to publish this particular essay does give me an opportunity to address the “conspiracy theorist” charge.
A conspiracy is simply two or more people or organizations working in tandem to perpetrate a nefarious crime or fraud…or conceal or cover up activities that, if exposed, would harm certain people and organizations.
In my recent article, I attempted to summarize the views of my Brownstone colleague Debbie Lerman, who I believe is correct when she opines that the main conspiracy of “Covid” was to get most of the world population inoculated with a new unsafe mRNA non-vaccine.
Debbie also argues that elements of the Department of Defense and the “Military Industrial and Intelligence Complex” took control of the important elements of the Covid response. […]
— Read More: brownstone.org