Donald Trump wasn’t perfect on guns during his first term–the bump stock ban was under his watch, after all–but I think he knew where that would eventually lead and it did deflate the effort to pass a law that would have gone well beyond bump stocks.
Even if he didn’t have a clue what would eventually happen, though, he’s still lightyears better than Kamala Harris on guns.
For example, he’s never actually advocated for a ban on either handguns or so-called assault weapons with a mandatory buyback on the latter. I’m not completely convinced Shannon Watts wouldn’t be a better option than Harris, if we’re being honest.
But things in the polls are scary for gun control fans. Harris isn’t doing as well as they think she should be. After all, a lot of people hate Trump, and yet he’s clearly got a strong chance of sitting in the Oval Office once again.
And anti-gunners are freaking out if this piece from The Guardian is any indication. […]
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