Many Christians are declining to vote in the presidential race this year, with a considerable number citing what they find as inappropriate behavior by Donald Trump. But is this attitude biblical? The Apostle Paul, considered one of the greatest men in history and revered in the church for spreading fledgling Christianity throughout the Middle East, murdered Christians under his former name, Saul, before he became a believer.
King David ordered the husband of a woman he lusted over and impregnated to the front lines of battle in order to kill him, which happened. After repenting, God still allowed David to remain king, but four of his sons suffered untimely deaths. David was considered one of the greatest leaders in biblical times. He defeated the Philistines, founded the Judaean dynasty and united all the tribes of Israel under a single monarch.
David’s son King Solomon had 1,000 wives and concubines, which he knew was wrong. He made sacrifices to Molech for them, a god that required “detestable” acts to be performed. God punished Solomon by giving him war with the Edomites and Arameans, and dividing up his kingdom after his death. However, Solomon was still allowed to rule as king.
Moses committed murder yet went on to become as legendary as David. He led the Jews out of captivity in Egypt and received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai from God. […]
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