Younger, whose ex-wife, a pediatrician, began transitioning their son to a girl at just two and a half years old, has fought tooth and nail to protect his child. Despite video evidence supporting his concerns, courts in Texas and California have systematically stripped him of his parental rights.
The Gateway Pundit previously reported that a video of James Younger when he was only 3 years old surfaced, revealing that his mother put dresses on him and painted his fingernails when the child was just an infant!
The abuse from the mother all started because James liked a toy from the movie ‘Frozen’ meant for little girls. It is totally normal for little boys to play with girls’ toys; it does not mean they want to be castrated and ‘transition’ into girls.
When asked if he was a boy or a girl, James, then only three years old, answered, “Girl.” He said his mom told him he was a girl.
Jeffrey Younger was forced to pay his ex-wife $5,000 a month to pay for his son’s “transition” and counseling in addition to a $10,000 retainer required by the counselor. […]
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