I’m not sure there was anyone who ever spoke from the podium in the press briefing room at the White House during the Trump administration who didn’t have someone complain about them violating the Hatch Act – the prohibition on federal employees engaging in political activity while on the job or using federal resources to do so. Even the press complained about administration officials “getting political” while answering questions back when we had an administration that would answer questions. Now we have an entire White House being mobilized for the electoral benefit of the sitting Vice President, and no one cares. And the saddest and funniest part of it all is, with everything laid out to her advantage, Kamala Harris is already terrible at pretending to do the job.
I bet you’ve never seen a video of a Vice President getting on and off a plane, have you? Probably not, but if you have, I bet it’s only been once or twice in your whole life – you’ve seen lots of footage of a President “deplaning,” as they say, but local news crews aren’t really dispatched to watch a Vice President walk down some stairs, even for b-roll purposes. Kamala Harris is the exception.
Since the Democratic Party establishment shoved Grandpa Joe Biden down the proverbial flight of stairs, Kamala Harris has played the President in public more frequently. With that came footage of her walking up and down the stairs for Air Force Two.
Something struck me as odd the other day while watching her pretending to be on a phone call as she ran away from the press: She’s saluting and being saluted by the military members at the bottom of the stairs. She’s not President. Whoever the President is at any given moment is the Commander-in-Chief of the US military, but a vice president has no military rank whatsoever; they’re not in the chain of command. […]
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