The Center for Spirituality, Dialogue, and Service at Northeastern University in Massachusetts is hosting a “Slime making BIPOC healing space” for those upset by President-elect Donald Trump’s recent election victory.
“Join CSDS’ interfaith intern Renee for a post-election grieving space. Come for a facilitated discussion where any – and all – feelings are welcome and stay for a slime-making, sensory activity! This event is open to all, but will primarily be centering BIPOC (Black, Indigeneous [sic], People of Color) Folx,” the event description advertises.
The “slime making” event took place on Thursday, and featured Interfaith Program Management Intern Renee Susanto.
Susanto, who lists her “preferred pronouns” on her bio page, says she “grew up evangelical Christian attending a predominantly Asian immigrant church, but now consider myself more of an open and free thinker when it comes to spirituality (broadly defined).”
“BIPOC” is a term that sees very little regular usage with Americans, along with other terms like “Latinx” and “Mansplaining,” according to a recent survey. […]
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