Cornell University students can take a course on “Queer Marxism” next semester that asks questions such as “Are queer theory and Marxism truly irreconcilable.”
The course description stated that the course will compare two visions of society that many have thought could not be joined.
“While queer studies emerged in part as a rejection of Marxism’s totalizing approach and Marxists have criticized the queer emphasis on individuals, this seminar explores the potential of bringing the two fields together,” it says.
The course will not explore this possible union of the two theories by one taking over the other. Students will study a dual influence, examining the effect of one theory on the other, and vice versa.
“We will consider how queer critiques of reproductive futurism, racial capitalism, and homonationalism can transform the legacy of Marxist theory and practice,” the description says. “At the same time, we will examine Marxist notions of totality, reification, and value to re-envision the scope of queer politics.” […]
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