President Donald Trump and the Republicans did well this election. So well, in fact, that something is being missed amidst the celebrations.
Vote fraudsters have been stealing Senate and House seats from the GOP.
So says Mark Mitchell, head pollster at Rasmussen, which was perhaps this election cycle’s most accurate polling outfit. Mitchell made his comments on Monday, while speaking to commentator Alex Jones.
What’s more, Mitchell asserts that vote fraudsters were trying to steal the election from Trump, too. It appears this was only prevented by GOP vigilance, he says. This time around, the Republicans made sure to have enough lawyers and monitors on the ground to discourage jump-the-shark cheating.
What’s Wrong With This Picture?
Trump’s victory was striking. He unexpectedly swept all the swing states, including the “blue wall” of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. He also became the first Republican in 20 years to win the popular vote. Yet down-ballot results do not appear to reflect this. […]
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