(WND)—It seems the justice system is overwhelmed by criminal cases involving illegals, and this puts Americans at risk of being short changed by that system.
What is even more astounding is the fact this crisis was created by the Democrat Party and was 50 years in the making, and yet half the voters still intend to vote Democrat.
Republicans made a mistake in judgment when they focuses on the shortcomings of candidate Kamala Harris and did not make this election an evaluation of the direction of her party. The party has become blatantly socialist, and from city hall to Congress, it is demanding Americans surrender freedom and accept government direction of their lives.
The poor among us are the first victims of socialism, for they are the first recruits in the revolution. Next, the middle class is reduced to poverty to support government’s handouts to the poor. And finally, a small number of Lords of the Manor take over and run the dictatorship in order to “restore order.”
President Lyndon B. Johnson’s “war on poverty” lost the war to poverty, and America is beginning to resemble Medieval Europe.
Right now Democrats are gathering in small groups to discuss how they can overturn this election and prevent Donald Trump from becoming president. Donald Trump is not the issue. The issue is Democrat insiders’ lust for absolute political power. The perpetual demeaning of Trump is just a tactic.
Many Americans feel the previous election outcome was corrupted by voting reforms and administrative changes in the process, that the security of ballots and the counting of the ballots was not handled property.
The people know Joe Biden did not campaign vigorously, and when he did appear in public, he could not attract a crowd. The people knew Donald Trump garnered millions of more votes in 2020 than he had received in 2016, clearly an endorsement of his presidency. And yet it was not enough, as the candidate who did not campaign received millions more votes than any other presidential candidate in history.
The outcome of the 2020 election did not make statistical sense. Millions of people accepted the “Trump is bad” theme of that election, and voted for the other guy, no matter who he was.
This time around, those followers were told Trump is not only bad, but a threat to the survival of this nation, and he cannot be allowed to resume his presidency. The leadership of the Democrat Party is prepared to defy the vote of the people. It just did when it forced Joe Biden to withdraw and selected Kamala Harris as a replacement.
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In order to assume the presidency even if they lose this election, leadership Democrats are preparing attacks upon the Electoral College by extolling direct popular election, or, as Americans were once taught, mob rule.
The leadership Democrats are preparing to assault the U.S. Supreme Court, expanding the number of justices when a Democrat in the White House could make the appointments. Clearly, the court would become a political instrument of the ruling party, and justice would be no more.
The leadership Democrats also are plotting massive legal attacks upon the election processes to delay and obfuscate the election outcome for weeks or months.
And like the dog rushing to smell the dropping of other dogs, the national press corps will follow wherever the leadership Democrats take them.
It is really difficult to sustain the country, when so many of its institutions are corrupted by foreign ideologies that hate the constitutional structure of the United States of America.
At this point it history, it is difficult to imagine what could be done to kneecap these revolutionaries before they enslave us all. And as the scenarios play out in one’s mind, it appears the only way for America to reverse course is for voters to banish socialists from office.
The first step would be to throw out the Democrat Party in a defeat so dramatic it could not recover. The party is beyond redemption. Equally important would be to eject the socialist Republicans, those who soft-peddle nefarious government growth programs and use war as America’s only diplomacy.
The press has covered this Nov. 5 decision as it would the red carpet at the Oscars. The coverage has been vapid. Combine that insufficiency with the blather that passes for K-12 education, and it is no wonder so many Americans do not have a clear picture of the threat they face.
Fear motivates the anti-Trumpers. Fear motivates the pro-Trumpers too. Expressed another way, Americans have been pushed to the point they fear each other, and that fear has squashed the traditional give and take, listen and learn, and mutual respect.
Americans need to figure out if they want personal freedom and free enterprise, or government to be the most important part of their lives.
Donald Trump is a very successful free-enterprise guy, and he made his fortune in the real estate market – which is 100% in favor of private property.
Kamala Harris is a government lawyer. She earned the reputation, as a nasty boss, so nasty even ideology cannot hold her team together.
One thing is certain. Harris is no Margaret Thatcher nor a Golda Meir.
It is a perfect profile of the socialist state at work. The first victim of socialism is the working man and woman, and the crowning glory of American socialism at work is the typical homeless camp.
This election is not going to solve these issues, but setting aside personalities, one candidate will advance the cause of free enterprise because it is in his blood. The other candidate will advance the socialist cause because that is all she knows.
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