“Dear Bob, Nice fake news network you have there. It would be a shame if anything were to happen to it. Love, Brendan.”
That isn’t quite what incoming FCC chair Brendan Carr wrote to Disney CEO Bob Iger this week, but it was pretty dang close.
Carr has served on the Federal Communications Commission since 2017 and is President-elect Donald Trump’s choice to serve as chairman next year. And he’s taking no gruff from Disney-owned ABC News, which just agreed to pay $15 million in damages (and another million in legal fees) for defaming Trump during a “This Week” segment earlier this year.
In an official FCC letter dated Dec. 21 (and just released on X by Rasmussen), Carr opened by reminding Iger that “Americans no longer trust the national news media to report fully, accurately, and fairly” and that “ABC’s own conduct has certainly contributed to this erosion in public.”
You might wonder what’s newsworthy about any of that, and you’d be right to. But Carr merely used ABC’s tarnished reputation as a jumping-off point for what really matters to Disney HQ: wringing more dollars out of ABC’s local affiliates. […]
— Read More: pjmedia.com